It is estimated that ClO2 has been used by as many as 20,000,000 people throughout the world to help their bodies fight off many different illnesses and heal from injury. The following testimonials from the collection at
Preliminary data from a clinical trial involving more than 100 covid-19 patients in Ecuador has resulted in a claimed 100 cure rate within four days, according to Andreas Kalcker who is closely following the results of the effort. The tests were carried out by the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa, a group of integrative medicine practitioners.
During childhood my lungs did not bother me and I was playing tennis good enough and had no bad habits until I quit tennis at age 13. I started secretly smoking stolen tobacco sometimes with few not so good friends. I did notice that by age 19 I had some difficulty breathing completely and was smoking more than just tobacco. But events in my life required better health and by age 21 I was no longer a smoker and as far as lifestyle I was making only the best choices and health was at an optimal level back again. But then I was seduced to smoke marijuana, but not constantly and not daily. And I would again smoke a couple cigarettes a day. At some point due to other complications to my health I smoked small cigars and had a severe crisis in my family. Those small cheap cigars contaminated my mouth, teeth and lungs. And no matter what I did I could not quit smoking sometimes, but never touched those small cigars again. However, at some point I found MMS and by that time my lungs did not feel good, and I was past 30. I started using MMS and attempted to do “the Cup Protocol” to inhale MMS gas carefully. It did not feel good but my lungs did open up and breathing became easier. I started sneezing and felt that lungs are doing something to clean up all the debris they accumulated. After a few months it was much better to breathe but I was careful about “the Cup Protocol”.
I had very serious issues with the colon, but not cancer. I had severe indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and sometimes excrements would pass through the colon too slow or too quickly with a lot of bubbles and mucus. Problems started due to some bad lifestyle choices, unsanitized or undercooked foods, strong medication, and contamination from fresh and saltwater. At first I had severe inflammation of the stomach and intestines, so problems at the very end did not matter. I found MMS and began using it and things got much better and inflammation and toxicity in the colon walls subsided quickly. Liver got detoxed and was no longer swollen.
These are just a few of the most recent testimonials from people who have used ClO2 and say it has helped them to live happier healthier lives. Read more by clicking the button below!
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